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Nike SB Dunk Low Pro x Riot Skateshop

Please fill out the form below correctly. Multiple participation is not possible. After the Raffle we will randomly select the winners for the right to buy a pair or the Nike SB Dunk Low Pro x Riot Skateshop

129,00€ a Pair + shipping

The email address entered in the form must match the email address in the ZUPPORT account. Yes, you need an account on ZUPPORT.de. Of course, already existing accounts count as well.
Don't forget to confirm the registration mail after the registration !

The winners will be notified by us via eMail, which you enter here in this form.

Do not follow any payment request via Instagram accounts or any DMs ! The winners will receive an email with a personalized link to ZUPPORT.de ! On this page, the winners have the opportunity to buy the shoe regularly.

By participating in the Raffle you also register for our newsletter. Even if you are already registered for the newsletter, you must fill out this form completely to participate in the Raffle. You can find more details about the conditions of participation here.

TIP: If you were redirected via Instagram, open this page in a web browser.

Das WHATSAPP-Feld muss zwischen 6 und 19 Ziffern enthalten und die Ländervorwahl ohne +/0 (z. B. 49xxxxxxxxxx für Deutschland) enthalten.

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